Sacred and Healing Places
Places of Peace and PowerSince ancient times, sacred sites have had a mysterious allure for billions of people around the world. Legends and contemporary reports tell of extraordinary experiences people have had while visiting these places. Different sacred sites have the power to heal the body, enlighten the mind and inspire the heart.​Global Sacred Spaces:
Creating Sacred Space - Incense
Purify Your Space of Negative Energies & Psychic Pollution
Certain places are intrinsically dirtier than others. If you spend time in these surroundings, you are exposed to greater-than-average energetic contamination. Thus, you may need to practice energetic hygiene more diligently and more regularly — for example, cutting cords and performing general self-sweeping. You can also directly clean the area. Below are easy to perform techniques used in Pranic Healing to quickly purify your environment.
Steps in Cleaning a room or building of dirty energy
1. Burn incense. Burn a stick or cone of incense in the rooms of your house or work area. Sandalwood is the most common cleansing incense; it contains much high-quality green prana. If you prefer different fragrances, however, lavender incense contains blue-violet prana, and sage incense contains green, blue and violet prana.
2. Chant “OM” or “Amen.” Chant the mantra “OM” or “Amen” in the room for 20 minutes. This mantra disperses dirty energy, which is why it is universally used as part of many meditation routines to clear the mind of thoughts. As an alternative, you can play the Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui OM CD.
3. Open all windows and curtains to let fresh air and sunlight in. An easy way to clean a house or room energetically, opening windows and curtains allows cleansing solar and air prana to flood a room or house. An hour or two a day should be sufficient for moderate residual contamination.
4. Spray the area with salt water from a sprayer. Mix a few tablespoons of salt with a cup of water in a sprayer with a fine misting capability. Shake to dissolve the salt. Walk through a room spraying the salt and water into the air, allowing the droplets to filter down to the floor. Just as salt water breaks down the dirty energy that you sweep from your own aura, it also effectively cleans a room or building. Holy water of the Catholic Church is essentially salt water with the priest’s benediction on it.
5. Loud clapping. Loud, purposeful clapping with intent can break up and disperse dirty energy in a room. Go into a room, form a clear intent to dispel the dirty energy, and walk through the area clapping about 10 to 30 times, depending on the size of the room. One clap per second is a good pace.
It may be difficult to perform some of these routines in your work area, so here is a technique that can be employed for either home or work:
Project Electric Violet Energy to the room or area. Visualize your house or workplace very small, about a foot in total area, in front of you. Make the visualization as clear as you can.
Form the intent that you are scanning the house or area to determine if there is any dirty energy and then scan it. Be aware of any sensations of stickiness or heaviness, just as you did when you scanned your own body.
Imagine Electric Violet beam projecting from your palm as you focus your Crown Chakra. Flood the house or area with the Electric Violet beams-flushing out all negativity into the earth. Project for a minimum period of 5 minutes or until you feel the area feels lighter. Repeat as necessary. You can also pray as you project Electric Violet. Many will feel strong vibration or ‘buzzing’ sensation on your Crown and Hand Chakras.
Then, rescan. It should be much cleaner than it was before you started.
- Excerpt from the Book "Your Hands Can Heal You"
by Master Stephen Co, John Merryman, Eric Robins MD
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Creating Sacred Space - Smudging
Native people throughout the world use herbs to accomplish this. One common ceremony is to burn certain herbs, take the smoke in one's hands and rub or brush it over the body. Today this is commonly called "smudging." In Western North America the three plants most frequently used in smudging are sage, cedar, and sweetgrass.
Smudging Ceremony:
To do a smudging ceremony, burn the clippings of these herbs (dried), rub your hands in the smoke, and then gather the smoke and bring it into your body, or rub it onto yourself; especially onto any area you feel needs spiritual healing. Keep praying all the while that the unseen powers of the plant will cleanse your spirit. Sometimes, one person will smudge another or a group of people, using hands or a feather to lightly brush the smoke over the other person(s).
Choose from a range of Sacred Mastery Angel Essences for Space Clearing & Activation.
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Angel Essences available exclusively from Shambala,
Creating Sacred Space - Space Clearing
Space Clearing is a ritual found in almost every traditional or native culture in the world. It is a powerful skill that enables the practitioner to change the atmosphere of the home from one of stagnant energy to one of vibrant health, promoting and spiritually enhancing energy. In traditional cultures, space clearing, or having your home blessed, has always been considered a vital activity when moving into a new home. Typically, when the body's own energy becomes acutely stagnant, symptoms develop including irritability, tiredness, lack of enthusiasm or stamina, and depression.
Space clearing is used to break up any stagnant energy within the home, refresh it, stabilize it and infuse it with your intentions.
What is involved in a session?
There are as many different methods of Space Clearing as there are cultures in the world. The rituals that have been used include the use of herbs, chants, potions, symbolism, spiritual ceremonies, blessings, sacrifices, gifts, fruits, plants, and holy water. Sometimes, the timing of the event to coincide with the planets or moon cycles strengthens the effect. Space clearing can be drawn from Native American traditions, Celtic ceremonies, early Christian rituals or Balinese methods; but an exploration of your ancestral traditions may be the best course of action for you.
For Space Clearing of Home/Office as well as Land Blessings contact Circles of Consciousness at 868-689-6404 (WhatsApp) or email
Choose from a range of Sacred Mastery Angel Essences for Space Clearing & Activation.
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Angel Essences available exclusively from Shambala,
Creating Sacred Space- Energy Dowsing
What Is Dowsing?Dowsing is a divining practice used to detect and cure energy in our environment created by disturbances to the Earth’s natural, harmonious energy flow that can cause stress in our bodies and our homes. Considered both an art form and a science, dowsing has been practiced for thousands of years in cultures throughout the world. In more modern times, dowsing has been used by mining companies, engineers, farmers and ranchers, and even the armed forces in various countries to find everything from oil to iron ore to water to buried cables. Energy dowsers often use thisskill to find historically sacred and spiritual sites. ​Dowsing allows you to work with the Earth's physical energy systems that either emanate from its soil or exist as numerous grids or patterns around the planet. The Earth's natural vibrations support our immune and energy systems, our bodies, and our minds. When these natural vibrations are disturbed, their energy turns negative. Additionally, studies show that electromagnetic fields from human-made power lines, electrical appliances, cell phones and cell-phone towers put humans at physical and energetic higher risk. These stressed energy fields can impact our bodies and immune systems, challenge our physical, emotional, and spiritual well being, and reduce our success in relationships, with families, and in our work life.​
Dowsing with L-rods -​
For Energy Dowsing of Home/Office contact Circles of Consciousness at 868-689-6404 (WhatsApp) or email
Creating Sacred Space
- Energy Alchemy
Energy Alchemy is the art of using common objects to enhance the energy of a home, a business, of yourself or another person. Learn the ultimate Energy Secrets of the Ancient Masters about how to change the Energy of your home by using candles, crystals, flowers, plants, incense, symbols and essential oils. This is not space clearing it is SPACE ACTIVATION. Your home/office is a living being. Learn to communicate with it through vibrations and ritual intentions. This is not connected with any religious background but it is about pure intention and focus in a ritual way.
Choose from a range of Sacred Mastery Candles and Crystals Activation Kits for many purposes including Abundance, Romance, Healing and Success. Custom Kits made on request.
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Initial Consultation
For Consultation and classes on Energy Alchemy contact Circles of Consciousness at 868-689-6404 (WhatsApp) or email