Energy Healing
Chakra Therapy
For a Chakra Therapy session contact Circles of Consciousness at 868-689-6404 (WhatsApp) or email circlesofconsciousness.tt@gmail.com
Chakra is a Sanskrit word, and it means wheel, or vortex, because that's what it looks like. Each chakra is like a solid ball of energy interpenetrating the physical body, in the same way that a magnetic field can interpenetrate the physical body. The chakras are not physical. They are aspects of consciousness in the same way that the auras are aspects of consciousness. The chakras are more dense than the auras, but not as dense as the physical body. They interact with the physical body through two major transport systems, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Your consciousness, your experience of being, represents everything it is possible for you to experience. All of your senses, all of your perceptions, all of your possible states of awareness, can be divided into seven categories, and each of these categories can be associated with a particular chakra. Thus, the chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body, but also particular parts of your consciousness. What is the Intention of Chakra Healing?Chakra healing, by many different means, has one intention. That intention is to find what is causing the disturbance within the chakra, remove it, and offer advice as to how to keep it from reoccurring. It is very likely that balance can be restored to a chakra, yet the core issue is not resolved. Eventually this will cause a breakdown in the chakra again, sometimes more detrimentally than before. Each chakra is also associated with certain emotional qualities. For instance, the root chakra deals with being grounded in the body, and rooted to the earth. If after a long plane ride, or having just moved from one house to another, you feel uneasy, then chances are your root chakra is not balanced. Another, perhaps more vivid example would be unresolved self-image issues. These are normally third chakra issues, which manifests in the area of the naval or solar plexus. These issues can eventually lead to indigestion, ulcers, or even stomach or intestinal cancer. The degree of illness is a direct result of the degree of chakra imbalance. Visit for more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scwEK-_33Oc
Sacred Mastery products includes Activated Body Elixirs infused with healing crystals and pure essential oils. Try our 7 Chakras Body Elixir for maintaining the frequencies of your Chakras for uptimal health of your energy bodies and personal vibration. Also available are Activited Body Elixirs for Love; Anxiety; Joy and many more - Healing Balms and Body Butters infused with pure essential oils​.
Visit Sacred Mastery "Shop" Page on this site for product images and descriptions.​
WhatsApp 689-6404 or email circlesofconsciousness.tt@gmail.com.​
Sacred Mastery products available exclusively from Shambala, https://shambalatt.com/product-category/circles-of-consciousness-sacred-mastery-2/​
Crystal Therapy
For a session, as well as, classes on Crystal Therapy contact Circles of Consciousness at 868-689-6404 (WhatsApp) or email circlesofconsciousness.tt@gmail.com
Crystal therapy is an ancient healing system concerned with treating patients holistically through the precise placement of crystals on the body and the surrounding room. This means that, unlike Western healthcare (which tends to focus on treating one symptom/ailment at a time) crystal therapy addresses the person as a whole - paying as much attention to his or her spiritual and emotional well-being as to their physical health. There is very little scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of crystal healing on a medical level. However, crystals have been used, revered and enjoyed for many thousands of years - both for their aesthetic beauty and for the peace, relaxation and harmony they seem to invoke. Crystal therapy is a non-invasive, relaxing, natural and enjoyable process. Whether you believe in the physical healing properties of crystals or not, the therapy itself will offer you a chance to lie back, relax and get in touch with your body's energies so you can leave feeling refreshed, restored and de-stressed - a perfect platform for improved physical health.
Choose from a range of Sacred Mastery products produced using the principles of Alchemy.
Try our Activated Crystals Kits for Healing.
Also available are Kits for manifesting Abundance, Soulmate Love, Healing Relationships; Restoring Harmony and many more. Custome Kits made to order. We also offer - Activited Body Elixirs for Love; Anxiety; Joy; 7 Chakras and many more; - Healing Balms and Body utters infused with pure essential oils.
Visit Sacred Mastery "Shop" Page on this site for product images and descriptions.
WhatsApp 689-6404 or email circlesofconsciousness.tt@gmail.com.
Sacred Mastery products available exclusively from Shambala,

Energy Medicine
Energy Medicine awakens energies that bring resilience, joy, and enthusiasm to your life – and greater vitality to your body, mind, and spirit! Balancing your energies balances your body's chemistry, regulates your hormones, helps you feel better, and helps you think better. It has been called the self-care and development path of the future, but it empowers you NOW to adapt to the challenges of the 21st century and to thrive within them.​
Top 4 Questions About Energy Medicine - 1. How is Energy Medicine Practiced?Energy Medicine utilizes techniques from time-honored traditions such as acupuncture, yoga, kinesiology, and qi gong. Flow, balance, and harmony can be non-invasively restored and maintained within an energy system by tapping, massaging, pinching, twisting, or connecting specific energy points (acupoints) on the skin; by tracing or swirling the hand over the skin along specific energy pathways; through exercises or postures designed for specific energetic effects; by focused use of the mind to move specific energies; and/or by surrounding an area with healing energies - 2. How Does It Work?Energy Medicine recognizes energy as a vital, living, moving force that determines much about health and happiness - ​3. Is Energy Medicine Spiritual?Entering the world of your body's subtle energies is a bridge into the domain of your deepest spiritual callings and your eternal essence. While no particular belief system, allegiance, or religious affiliation is associated with Energy Medicine, many people find that energy work touches into the realms of soul andspirit - 4. Can anyone do it?Absolutely! Working with your energies is your birthright! Students of Energy Medicine include:
Ordinary people with no experience in self-healing or healing others.
Anyone who wants to learn to engage their energies for health and vitality.
People who want to study techniques to help themselves, their family, or a close friend.
Massage therapists, nurses, acupuncturists, doctors, and others in existing health care careers who are looking to supplement and enhance their training.
Health care professionals looking for courses that offer professional CE's.
People of all ages and all walks of life who want to embark on a career in Energy Medicine.
Visit for more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Scn9fOjJGaI&t=1622s​​​

Meridian Therapy
For a Meridian Therapy session contact Circles of Consciousness at 868-689-6404 (WhatsApp) email circlesofconsciousness.tt@gmail.com
The Body Meridians - The Energy Network of the Body
Body Meridians are energy channels 'transporting' life energy (Chi/Qi) throughout the body. If there are blockages, leading to lack of energy supply to certain areas of the body, or a surplus of energy in other areas. The Body Meridians can be used for Treatment of a condition or/and Diagnosis. Energy blockages can be the result of stress, an injury or trauma, or bad living habits (diet, habits/addictions, lack of exercise) and can be traced to the root of all health (physical/mental/spiritual) problems. Our energy flow affects how we feel, how we think, and the overall condition of our health situation. When the body's life-force energy becomes blocked, various imbalances will result. For centuries, in China, Japan, Tibet, India and other countries, life has been considered as a bio-electrical/vibrational energy phenomenon. It is only because of the existence of this energy in our body that we can move, breathe, digest food… think and even feel.
​Different cultures call this energy by different names... 'Prana', 'Chetana' or 'Qi' (Chi) are some examples. Qi is composed of two kinds of forces: 'Yin' and 'Yang'. A person remains in good health if there is harmony and balance between these two forces. If the balance is disturbed, that is, if the flow of one of these forces is greater than the other, illness arises. These forces – energies – flow through definite channels in the body, called 'body meridians' (body's healing energy pathways).
The Body Meridian System
There are 14 Main Body Meridians 12 Paired Meridians and 2 Single Meridians
Meridian Pairs complement each other –
Yin (energy flowing up ↑) and
Yang (energy flowing down ↓)
12 primary paired meridians:
6 yang and 6 yin – yin and yang forming a pair.
↓ Stomach meridian (yang) flows to the ↑ Spleen meridian (yin)
↑ Heart meridian (yin) flows to the ↓ Small Intestine meridian (yang)
↓ Bladder meridian (yang) flows to the ↑ Kidney meridian (yin)
↑ Pericardium meridian (yin) flows to ↓ Triple Warmer meridian (yang)
↓ Gallbladder meridian (yang) flows to the ↑ Liver meridian (yin)
↑ Lung meridian (yin) flows to the ↓ Large Intestine meridian (yang)
And 2 single mid- meridians:
Governing Vessel – flows to the Conception Vessel.

Reiki and Univeral Life Force Energy
For an Angelic Reiki session contact Circles of Consciousness at 868-689-6404 (WhatsApp) or email circlesofconsciousness.tt@gmail.com
How Does Reiki Work? We are alive because life force is flowing through us. Life force flows within the physical body though pathways called chakras, meridians and nadis. It also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura. Life force nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. When this flow of life force is disrupted, it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body. The life force is responsive to thoughts and feelings. It becomes disrupted when we accept, either consciously or unconsciously, negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves. These negative thoughts and feelings attach themselves to the energy field and cause a disruption in the flow of life force. This diminishes the vital function of the organs and cells of the physical body. Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.
ANGELIC REIKI: How Does Angelic Reiki Differ from Usui and Other Forms of Reiki? To quote Kevin Core (founder) “Angelic Reiki shares the characteristics of traditional Reiki in as much as it is a hands-on practice with the option of self-healing and distance treatments. Although it uses symbols common to other Reiki systems, the healing power of the Angelic Vibration sets it apart. This Divine Vibration attunes both the healer and client to their Soul energy, raising consciousness and re-awakening an awareness of what it is to be a divine being, whole and healthy and living in joy.” When learning Usui and other forms of Reiki, attunements are conducted by the Master/Teacher at whatever level of consciousness they have achieved. With Angelic Reiki, however, Angels (not the Master/Teacher) perform the attunements at pure, divine consciousness level. What sets Angelic Reiki apart as a healing modality, therefore, is the pure divine vibration that is stepped down through the Angelic Kingdom during a treatment to focus powerfully on root causes. Each person responds to the divine vibration in accordance with their own level of development, and the healing vibration feels noticeably different to that of any other Reiki energy – whether you are a recipient or practitioner. This does not detract from the power of Usui and other forms of Reiki healing. Each individual is attracted to the vibration of the system that best suits them. Another difference is that, unlike most forms of Reiki, with Angelic Reiki there is no sequence of hand positions to learn and adopt.​http://www.angelicreiki.net/index.php/articles/56-positive-health/164-angelic-reiki-a-new-healing-for-our-time.​
Sacred Mastery products includes Activated Body Elixirs infused with healing crystals and pure essential oils. Try our 7 Chakras Body Elixir for maintaining the frequencies of your Chakras for uptimal health of your energy bodies and personal vibration.​
Visit Sacred Mastery "Shop" Page on this site for product images and descriptions.​WhatsAp 689-6404 or email circlesofconsciousness.tt@gmail.com.​Sacred Mastery products available exclusively from Shambala,